Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize 2006

Last night I watched Oprah at Studio 23 and one of her guest was Dr. Muhammad Yunus, a visionary and developer of the unique microcredit concept. He is really an inspiration and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his Grameen Bank and I just want to share with you this amazing bank that he has developed.

Yunus first involved himself in fighting poverty during the 1974 famine in Bangladesh. Yunus discovered that very small loan could make a significant difference to a poor person's ability to survive.
The first loan he gave was of $27 from his own pocket. He lent it to 42 female basket weavers in the village of Jobar near Chittagong University. He discovered that they could repay the amount very quickly by selling their goods in the market.
Before this, they used to take loans from village loan-sharks with high interest rates. In some cases, the interest rates stood at a staggering 10% a week.
However, banks were not interested in giving tiny loans to poor people and they considered the poor to be bad borrowers.
In 1976, Yunus launched the activities of Garmeen Bank and started giving loans to poor Bangladeshis against the advice of banks and the government. He carried on giving out micro-loans and in 1983, he officially formed the Garmeen Bank, meaning village bank, on the principles of trust and solidarity.
The Garmeen Bank's method of giving out loans is now used in projects in 58 countries, including US, Canada, France, the Netherlands and Norway.
In 1997, Professor Yunus led the world's first microcredit summit in Washington, DC.

Livin' in a Stress Free World

Well, stress tabs doesn't work so I found an alternative to cope with stress =>

Item #1: Go to mall every weekends! You don't need to buy anything. Just the look of those pretty dresses takes the bad elements in my body. Pig-out! Eat lots of calories... buy ice cream or chocolate. Buy a movie ticket, watch a feel good movie. Treat yourself with spa, facial treatments, or a simple manicure and pedicure will do the trick. Pamper yourself once in a while.

Item #2: Drink coffee! After a long day of work,it feels good to gulp into a grande starbucks coffee while reading sophie kinsella. Hmmmm... azuki, white choco mocha latte, coffee jelly, caramel frap. I can smell coffee in the air!

Item #3: Watch DVDs! I just bought a DVD player and every night after work I watch DVDs... HOUSE, JUSTICE LEAGUE, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, CSI. I really takes the stress in my body. Just lying down in your favorite coach, eating junkies. This is life!

Quotations...a positive outlook in life

I happen to feel that the degree of a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting attitudes she can bring to bear on the same topic. -Lisa Alther-

Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person you're complaining about. -Lynn Johnston-

I am determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances. -Martha Washington-

Everyone has the obligation to ponder well his own specific traits of character. He must also regulate them adequately and not wonder whether someone else's traits might suit him better. The more definitely his own a man's character is, the better it fits him. -Cicero-

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. -Eleanor Roosevelt-

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be, strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. -Helen Keller-

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Golden Rule

In my 25 life span in this wicked earth, I've always believed and practice in the golden rule. Lately, I have this theory that it's not true. I mean I've been practicing that god damn rule and people is still treating me like shit! I don't give a damn of the things they do, I'm not judgemental in fact, I'm open-minded. But the people around me are like vultures, trying to find fault in me so they can back bite me and they other people bout my shortcomings. Grrrrrr! Old people really have a lot of insecurities. I told my friend "She, I no longer believe in the golden rule. I've been practicing it for ages and yet the people around me likes to say bad things bout me. Most of them aren't even true!!!". My friend's response was "Because they do not practice the golden rule. If they are, then you won't experience those things". She has a point and now, kinda enjoying the bitch that I'am. Ok, don't judge me there but you have no idea what I've been through.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Politics... in the Work Place

I'm listening to Magic 89.9 and crap! They are right! Why are there a lot of companies where you just wanted to learn something but because of that word "paranoia" they think you wanted to take over your job! Crab mentality bU!!$&I% in the Philippines. Damn, I went to one of the seminars of JOBSDB and all of the attendees were sent by their company. I was so jealous and thinking when will my company be more supportive about this issue. I'm bored, I want to learn. I'm not here to get your job! POLITICS IN THE WORKPLACE, darn!

Book Review:Sophie Kinsella, Sophaholic

3 weeks night shift!!! Good thing sophie kinsella is entertaining me. What? you don't know who sophie kinsella is??? Well, she is the reason why I'm getting hook up reading books! From the time I held my hands with 'The Undomestic Goddess', damn, can't take my hands off that book. It's full of humor, very funny... It's a story of a lawyer who became a housekeeper. Wow! twist of fate! Samantha (the lawyer) did something stupid which cause her job. Then she run away from reality and end up being in a strange place. Hmmmmmm... if I can recall, she end up being in London. Meet the Geiger's and end up being a housekeeper. She only ask some medicine and a glass of water from Mrs. Geiger cause she has a headache and she thought she was from the agency! Hired her as a housekeeper. Funny cause she doesn't know any household chores. She would buy food from the restaurant, and deliver them in the Geigers house pretending she cooked it. Sent out their laundries to Nichols. In the long run, she thought that this should come to an end cause 2 more weeks and she'll be bankcrupt. She told the Geiger's that she could not cook cause she doesn't know how to use the equiqments used in cooking. To her suprised, Mrs. Geiger told Mr. Geiger to change all the equipments in their house because Samantha is not used to those old modeled equipments. Wow! they even raised her salaray just so she won't leave them. I haven't finished the book yet but I'm in the chapter where Nathaniel (the gardener), introduced Samantha to her mum (Iris) to teach her how to cook...
This book is really interesting and funny! I suggest you grabe a copy of sophie kinsella's books =>