Monday, June 11, 2007

Book Review:Sophie Kinsella, Sophaholic

3 weeks night shift!!! Good thing sophie kinsella is entertaining me. What? you don't know who sophie kinsella is??? Well, she is the reason why I'm getting hook up reading books! From the time I held my hands with 'The Undomestic Goddess', damn, can't take my hands off that book. It's full of humor, very funny... It's a story of a lawyer who became a housekeeper. Wow! twist of fate! Samantha (the lawyer) did something stupid which cause her job. Then she run away from reality and end up being in a strange place. Hmmmmmm... if I can recall, she end up being in London. Meet the Geiger's and end up being a housekeeper. She only ask some medicine and a glass of water from Mrs. Geiger cause she has a headache and she thought she was from the agency! Hired her as a housekeeper. Funny cause she doesn't know any household chores. She would buy food from the restaurant, and deliver them in the Geigers house pretending she cooked it. Sent out their laundries to Nichols. In the long run, she thought that this should come to an end cause 2 more weeks and she'll be bankcrupt. She told the Geiger's that she could not cook cause she doesn't know how to use the equiqments used in cooking. To her suprised, Mrs. Geiger told Mr. Geiger to change all the equipments in their house because Samantha is not used to those old modeled equipments. Wow! they even raised her salaray just so she won't leave them. I haven't finished the book yet but I'm in the chapter where Nathaniel (the gardener), introduced Samantha to her mum (Iris) to teach her how to cook...
This book is really interesting and funny! I suggest you grabe a copy of sophie kinsella's books =>

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