Thursday, June 28, 2007

Livin' in a Stress Free World

Well, stress tabs doesn't work so I found an alternative to cope with stress =>

Item #1: Go to mall every weekends! You don't need to buy anything. Just the look of those pretty dresses takes the bad elements in my body. Pig-out! Eat lots of calories... buy ice cream or chocolate. Buy a movie ticket, watch a feel good movie. Treat yourself with spa, facial treatments, or a simple manicure and pedicure will do the trick. Pamper yourself once in a while.

Item #2: Drink coffee! After a long day of work,it feels good to gulp into a grande starbucks coffee while reading sophie kinsella. Hmmmm... azuki, white choco mocha latte, coffee jelly, caramel frap. I can smell coffee in the air!

Item #3: Watch DVDs! I just bought a DVD player and every night after work I watch DVDs... HOUSE, JUSTICE LEAGUE, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, CSI. I really takes the stress in my body. Just lying down in your favorite coach, eating junkies. This is life!

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